Limerick Greyhound Stadium

The Limerick Greyhound Stadium is the perfect place to spend an exciting Friday or Saturday night with friends and family. This state of the art facility is designed to ensure all attendees have a memorable night out.  Home to multiple bars, fast food outlets and a superb restaurant, the stadium caters for all your entertainment needs.

The stadium is located on the dock road, which is roughly a 15 minute drive from the Kilmurry Lodge Hotel. If you plan on enjoying a few beverages, reception would be more than happy to order you a taxi.

Alternatively, there is a Dublin coach shuttle bus that runs on Saturday nights as follows:

  • Departs Arthur’s Quay: 7.15pm
  • Stops at Limerick City Hotel: 7.20pm
  • Stops at Clarion Hotel: 7.25pm

Admission Prices:

Adult: €10.00 including Race Programme
Student: €5 including Race
Programme (With Valid I.D)
Children: Under 14 FREE
: 1890 269969
